Focus on Prevention - Through our training programs, Princes has developed safe work practices designed to prevent accidents. Safety is a mental attitude that requires a conscious recognition of potential hazards and a knowledge of the proper techniques used to overcome potentially dangerous situations. These safety precautions are built into every task performed by our employees. A safe workplace for both the employee and the client is imperative.
We look to our staff to reflect the high standards that we are continually striving to achieve. From our experienced management to our qualified working teams on the ground, we carry out continual training in safety & horticulture related subjects. Therefore every team member is able to realise their full potential gaining enjoyment from their work to the benefit of our clients.
Personal Pretective Equipment 'PPE' is taken very seriously with employees given training to undestand the need to keep themselves propected. All Princes employees are certificated 'Emergency First Aiders' therefore in the unlikely event of an accident, we have the means necessary to tend to situations & preserve life.
Princes are 'Safe Contractor' accredited.
Commercial or domestic, contact us for a free quote.